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Free shipping from CHF 80.- | Shipping from CH warehouse | Ordered by 2 p.m. - delivered tomorrow

About us

People - travels - encounters are the origin of worldofsenses.

On various trips, during and after my studies, I have visited numerous countries, met inspiring people and discovered authentic products. The first time I imported these original products to Switzerland was in 1999, where we sold them with friends at Christmas markets. Already then, our plan was to create a web shop to allow our customers to purchase their valued products at any time.

As life plays out, everything turned out differently than planned. Instead of setting up the web shop, a long and exciting career began in an international company. In 2021 I finally had the time to bring the project that was planned two decades ago to life.

As of August 2, 2021, version 1.0 of is live in Switzerland with the aim of progressively expanding the original offer.

My goal is to build a world of senses. In the years to come we will offer and expand our product shelf and experiences encompassing all senses. This year we start with the sense of smell.

We are pleased that you will be rediscovering your senses with our authentic products.

worldofsenses - Roger